
SymbolStix Stick figures 3 students at desks and a standing teacher asking who is here labeled 'Attendance%22

To report an absence or tardy, please call 425-408-8710 or email

Attendance Policy

Northshore School District Attendance Policy

Regular school attendance is required and necessary if students are to succeed academically. Ruby Bridges Elementary School is committed to working with parents to ensure students regularly attend school.

Northshore School District, in compliance with Board Policy and Washington State Law, requires parents/guardians to inform the school of student absences. Student absences need to be reported to the office in writing, or by phone. Teachers are not able to properly document planned absences in our student information system; therefore, report those absences to the office as well. 

Ruby Bridges Elementary will adhere to state law by following the Becca Bill and its provisions for unexcused absences.

The Becca Bill requires absences to be processed in the following manner:

  • Schedule a parent conference after:
    • Three or more unexcused absences in one month
    • Five excused absences in a month, or 10 + excused absences in a school year – Unless you have provided a doctor’s note, or pre-arranged absence in writing, and plans are in place so your child does not fall behind academically.
  • Enter into a formal agreement with the student and parent regarding attendance or file a truancy petition with Juvenile Court if a student has seven unexcused absences in a month.

  • File a truancy petition with Juvenile Court if a student has seven unexcused absences in a month and not later than 15 cumulative unexcused absences in a school year. RCW 28A.225.035
  • File a contempt motion if a student is not in compliance with a court order resulting from a truancy petition. 

Request for Excused Absences

If you are planning a trip and your student will be absent for 5 or more school days, a Request for Excused Absence Form must be submitted to the office at least 1 week prior to the planned absence. This form must then be approved by the student’s teacher and principal, prior to the planned absence. Absences will only be excused for the following reasons: 

1.    Participation in a district or school approved activity or instructional program;

2.    Illness, health condition or medical appointment (including, but not limited to, medical, counseling, dental or optometry);

3.    Family emergency, including, but not limited to, a death or illness in the family;

4.    Religious or cultural purpose including observance of a religious or cultural holiday or participation in religious or cultural instruction;

5.    Court, judicial proceeding or serving on a jury;

6.    Post-secondary, technical school or apprenticeship program visitation, or scholarship interview;

7.    State-recognized search and rescue activities consistent with RCW 28A.225.055;

8.    Absence directly related to the student’s homeless status;

9.    Absence from a disciplinary/corrective action (e.g., short-term or long-term suspension, emergency expulsion); and

10.  Principal/designee and parent, guardian, or emancipated youth mutually agreed upon approved activity. 

Request for Excused Absences and Homework

We recognize that some families choose to take vacations outside our scheduled vacation dates. Much of the learning that takes place cannot be duplicated outside of the classroom setting.  It is not possible for the teacher to give the child or the parent all the information required for that child to understand the lesson and/or participate in the learning. Teachers should not be asked for homework in advance. Upon return to the classroom, students can be provided make up work where applicable or opportunities to make up assessments.


If a student arrives after the 9:30am bell has rung, they MUST check with office staff first, and obtain a tardy slip before going to class. To maintain the health and safety of our campus, we ask that parents and guardians call the office first so students can be met at the front door and escorted into the building. Tardies will only be excused for the following reasons:

1.    lllness, health condition or medical appointment (including, but not limited to, medical, counseling, dental or optometry). 

2.    Family emergency, including, but not limited to, a death or illness in the family

3.    Religious or cultural purpose including observance of a religious or cultural holiday or participation in religious or cultural instruction 



Attendance Secretary

Monica Josephson

24-hr Attendance Line

